Part 55: To Slay a God - Preparation
Chapter 25: To Slay a God
Mount Prism gives excellent B rank Tomes, especially Waste for giving Sorcerers a buyable Brave weapon. You know, if we had Sorcerers.
Origin Peak is right in the middle of the map, appropriate for the 2nd to last stage.
The fell dragon is indeed here.
Remember, Awakener! The power I gave you cannot destroy Grima.
It can only put him back to sleep...
Correct, Fellblood.
So you know of my lineage?
You possess power not so different from my own.
We must find some way to break this unholy cycle! We can't just keep putting Grima back to sleep every few centuries. Otherwise we merely will his vengeance on our descendants.
...I may know a way.
Yes, Robin? You have some strategy?
The other me claimed the dragon and I were the same, yes?
If I strike the final blow, he'd be killed by his own hand...
Robin! Ingenious! Naga? Will it work?
...Perhaps. But there would be consequences. Grima's heart and Robin's are inexorably linked. Dragon and woman can no longer be separated.
...I realize that. I am ready.
There is...a chance you could survive, but it is small indeed.
You have bound your heart to those of many others in this world. If those bonds prove strong enough, they may yet keep you in this reality. However, not even a thousand human friendships surpass the dragon's grip.
In truth, you will almost certainly cease to exist.
Robin would cease to be?!
No. We'll find another way.
Chrom, wait. You're not thinking clearly. Think about what your sister would have wanted.
Emmeryn would never have asked you to do this!
What is one life, when weighed against millions?
There has to be another way. We just have to find it. Promise me, Robin. Promise me you won't do this!
You have been so very kind to me, Chrom, always... But this is my decision.
...You're right, Chrom. I'm sorry.
We swore to stand by each other, remember? We're two halves of a whole... Not even a dragon can sever us!
The time for deliberation is over, Awakener. The Grimleal have found us.
Father! We're under attack!
The only objective here is to defeat Aversa, but the last few Grimleal in the world have gathered to challenge the Shepherds.
That speed would be quite impressive if we didn't just get access to Rexcalibur.
Characters already in:
Chrom, Robin
Choose up to 5 characters (top 13 will be chosen):
Last call:
Maribelle, Cherche